
Our Profile

Our Values

  • Transparency and accountability
  • Diversity
  • Mutual Respect
  • Equity and equality
  • Integrity

Our Vision

A world where all women live free of poverty and injustice

Our Mission

We exist to serve the unserved by advancing the rights of women and delivering effective and efficient programmes

WFC Background

Women for Change (WFC) is a national non-governmental organization (NNGO) formed in 2016 and legally registered in 2018. The organization was founded by a group of South Sudanese women from diverse backgrounds who shared the goal of supporting the well-being and economic stability of widows, school dropouts, and children affected by intentional and unintentional causes.

WFC implements programs that promote general protection, GBV AOR, child protection, sexual reproductive health (SRH), education in the sector of technical vocational education training, advocacy, peacebuilding, conflict management, and sustainable livelihood programs such as tailoring, soap, Poultry and craft making.

WFC has worked with several donors and Partners who support women for change programs in the Central,Eastern Equatoria State, Warrap State, Western Bahr el Gazal State, Northern Bahr el Gazal State, and Jonglei State since its inception in 2016. WFC's interventions have impacted over 300,000 women, children, and their families across all its Operational States.

Priority Pillars

  1. Women Empowerment
  2. Protection
  3. Advocacy and Peace Building

Areas of Operation

  1. Central Equatoria State
    • Morobo
    • Yei River County
    • Juba
    • Terekeka
  2. Warrap State
    • Gogrial West
    • Gogrial East
    • Twic County
  3. Northern Bahr-El-Ghazel State
    • Aweil Center
  4. Western Equatoria State
    • Mundri East
  5. Jonglei State
    • New Fangak

Our Partners

German Cooperation
US Embassy
Save the Children

Governance Structure and Human Resource

The Director

Anna Tazita Samuel is a procurement specialist, an entrepreneur, she is the Executive Director of Women for Change (WFC), a national organization that works to empower women and girls through education, entrepreneurship, and leadership development.

The Board

The board and senior management of Women for Change are committed to working for the advancement of WFC's strategic direction to achieving its mission in South Sudan.. They are a diverse group of women and men with a wealth of experience in the areas of general protection, economic empowerment and advocacy.

The Staff

Women for change has a number of staff at the HQ and the field based offices who work in communities across states of South Sudan. These staff are responsible for the day to day running of the organization's programs providing direct services to women and girls, such as protection trainings, psychosocial support, economic empowerment training, and peacebuilding

Our Work

WFC has made significant progress in advancing the rights and opportunities of women and girls, has helped to increase access to livelihood programs, psychosocial support, GBV prevention and response awareness, provide economic empowerment training, and promote peacebuilding. WFC is committed to continuing its work until all women and girls in South Sudan can enjoy their full rights and freedoms.

WFC Management and Governance Structure

Women for Change (WFC) has a well-structured governance system that is committed to gender equality and effective management. The board of directors is composed of five members (all women) and the senior management team is composed of (6), three women and three men. This gender balance ensures that the organization's decisions are made in a way that reflects the needs of both women and men.

WFC governance system is also committed to effective management. The board of directors sets the organization's strategic direction, while the senior management team is responsible for implementing that direction. The board and senior management team work together to ensure that WFC is effectively carrying out its mission of promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in South Sudan.

WFC's Networks and Collaboration

WOMEN FOR CHANGE (WFC) is a member of International Women Peace Group (IWPG), Education Cluster, GBV cluster, FSL cluster, Technical Vocation Education Training (TVET) Committee, WASH Cluster, Gender Thematic working group, START network, Alliance for Empowering partnership (A4EP), Localization working group, Shelter NFI cluster, Child protection cluster, South Sudan Women Led Organization Pool (SSWLOP), Women in Africa Initiative (WIA54), South Sudan Non-Governmental Organizations Forum (SSNGO Forum), Local Response Pooled Fund (LRPF), Charter for change (C4C), and MEN Engage Network SouthSudan